Editor's Newsletter July 2021
Hi Everybody!
Some time has passed since my last editor's letter with informations about changes and news. Besides new items which I announced in the Updates section there have always been small changes and corrections from time to time which I simply made without special announcement. New content mainly was added in the Member's section concerning videos or video collections on page Videos 3.3. Collections to compile works of certain actresses or actors can only be made if there is enough stuff available, which makes it easier to find and compare favourites.
But there are also some remarkable works which do not fit into any collection. These are assembled on pages videos 3.1 and 3.2. which now contain 30 items each. I think this is enough and adding new items would require scrolling farther down. Therefore I installed an additional new video page 3.4. which will allow to add more new videos and larger preview pics. The changing of preview pics like a slide show which starts on command "mouse over" might not work on smartphones. As usual the videos can be watched by touching the title below the preview picture. "Videos 3" in the naviation bar will open a new window from where you can select each subdirectory.
Except new commercial videos I will also have an eye on material made by amateurs, because there are some really amazing works. Though these works are available on public sites it may be difficult to search and find them, and perhaps I might help you in making pre-selections. Respecting the privacy, and as I cannot permanently ask for permission, these works will only be available for registered members.
Furthermore I will try to present some older videos which sometimes are more extaordinary than modern makings and worth to be remembered. There exist some good digitally remastered versions, and I am also busy to present old videos in 16:9 ratio frame for more comfortable viewing.
Though I often made longer intervals between updates, I am generally interested in all kind of spanking and contributed to spanking forums and also started more websites of my own in german language*). As I am of advanced age I guarantee registered membership for 6 months only, but actually keep it valid until 12 months. Registered members who want to make a prolongation can get a discount price if they contact me before expiration of their membership. I have got a powerful hosting provider who is always paid for two years in advance and which I will prolong in time.
Michael Tapir
*) My Websites in German Language :
PiPaPo Spanking Spezial Blog Articles, Pictures and Videos
Pantiefetish Articles, Pictures and Videos about that fetish in relation with Spanking
 Be one step ahead! Registered Members (Info) will get more information, pictures and videos!  
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