June 2023
Nursing Student caned in Uganda
Already in 2015 I reported about Corporal Punishments administered in Afrian countries among which I also mentioned Uganda and I repeat the general introdution of that old report which is still valid:
When spanking turns to punishment it may become very severe and also the choice of tools will be very painful and vulnerable, and we should rather speak of beating. This is also completely different from any kind of erotic thrill which is an important fact for spankers, spankees and butt lovers. Only SM orientated people will like such brutal and severe beatings which are administered as punishment or out of anger. But this does not mean that there would be no approval to use CP for criminal acts or misbehaviour. In third world countries there is a strong tendency to execute immediate corporal punishment as kind of self justice or to apply it by authorities like police, teachers or on judicial sentence. This may occur cruel but is working fast and effective.
Recently I found a report in the web*) about a case of corporal punshment in Uganda. This is the story:
Nursing student was caned for spending night with boys
(by Elisha Z. Bwanika c/o watchdoguganda.com)
The administration of Ishaka Adventist Hospital and Health Training institution had apologized for the corporal punishment meted out to three students in the School of Nursing and Midwifery. The deputy principal and clinical instructor who participated in the caning have also been suspended pending further investigations.
The institution has been in the spotlight recently after three videos of members of staff caning students went viral. But in a letter signed by Lydia Komugisha, the Senior Hospital Administrator at Ishaka Adventist Hospital, two of the students, Rebecca Mbabazi and Katusiime Atuhaire were caned by the deputy principal on the instance of their parents. This after Mbabazi left her duty station and spent the night in the boy’s dormitory while Atuhaire escaped from school for over a week. Both are first year students.The male student was caned for trespassing. All cases happened on January 30, 2019.
This attracted public attention and criticism against the institution and thus an investigation. “We would like to state that our school does not condone corporal punishment and neither is it institutionalized. The institution has rules and regulations of which caning is not part. It’s unfortunate that these rules and regulations were not followed by staff members in question,” Komugisha’s letter to the Permanent Secretary in the ministry of Education dated February 6, reads in part. Komugisha adds that psychologists have been identified to counsel and guide affected students.
In this article there is a videoclip inserted which was recorded with smartphone and shared from Facebook. Actually I came upon this video by scrolling through a choice of videos and reels offered by Facebook without any special request of mine. I really wonder why this video was available at FB and was not flagged out because of violating their rules about offending content. The only restriction they made is asking back before starting the video. I also add the comment at FB which is similar to that from Watchdoguganda.
Ishaka Adventist Nursing Student caned more than 5 Strokes on her Bums for spending a Night in a male Dormitory
(by Anthony Shoko c/o facebook.com, Feb.2019)
Watch a poor nursing student being canned more than 5 strokes on her buttocks or bums in front of her fellow students at Ishaka Adventist Nursing Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. It is reported that Rebecca Mbabazi who is a first year student was allocated on the Ward for a night duty. Around 10:00pm or 22hrs, she disappeared from the Ward without permission and went to the boy's or men or male dormitory where she spent her night.
And very early in the morning around 4:34am, she came back to the Ward. The one in-charge could not allow her to get back where she was operating from. Instead she was reported to the tutor in charge of Ward placement, who also forwarded her case to the principal. The principal wanted to expel her from the institution but her mother who is a widow plead, pleaded with them to forgive her.
Then the principal and the clinical instructor had to give her a corporal punishment so that other students could learn a lesson. She was caned more than 5 strokes on her bum in front of her fellow students. Today the management has written a letter of apology and suspended the principal and the clinical instructor for the corporal punishment they subjected the poor student to after the video went viral on social media.
Finally, after all these reports I am presenting you the video. But it is not in the portrait mode (9:16) as originally at FB, but a modified version in 4:3 for more covenient viewing on laptop or desktop screens, and nothing of importance has been cut off. It is streamed from my server and will remain available for visitors of this site, no matter if FB might take it off some day.
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